
Showing posts with the label Gen Z

Gen Z try loving your neighbour

By Rachel McDonald Following Jesus’s command to love our neighbour can be challenging for all of us, but Gen Z may struggle differently than other generations. One simple reason is that we don’t know our neighbours. We can order anything from Amazon instead of asking the family next door. But there’s a deeper issue than our tendency to rely on technology over people—the meaning of love has changed. While philosophers and poets have pondered the nature of love for centuries, my generation states their definition as fact: love is to accept someone, and acceptance is to never criticize who she is and what she does. Fellow Gen Zers, we can’t rely on our generation to tell us what love is. We must look to the gospel. Here are three ways the gospel teaches us to love others. 1. Let your light shine. No generation has liked being told they’re sinners, but now even disagreeing with others is often equated with hating them. If some Christian beliefs are considered toxic, if praying for someone

Why Gen Z Christians Need Church History

Nobody is exempt from the influence of the environment in which we live, grow, and learn, either for good or for ill. Generation Z (1997–2012) is my generation, and our greatest danger is also our most obvious blessing: the internet. We’ve never lived without it. Witnessing continual technological advancement—and receiving unhindered access to unlimited resources with constantly updated informational tidbits—is normative for my generation. Staying up to date on breaking news is effortless and almost inevitable; we could scarcely avoid it if we tried. Our favorite thing about the news is simply that it’s new. We are a generation obsessed with fads and trends; we want to talk about what everyone else is talking about and do what everyone else is doing. Otherwise, we might miss out and feel as though we have nothing to contribute. Many of us want to build a better future, not reminisce about the past. The former observation is commendable. The latter has devastating consequences. For my g

Gen Z’s Questions About Christianity: The Bible’s Authority

  In this episode of Q&A, Michael Kruger addresses five questions from the Gen Z audience on biblical authority and inerrancy. He addresses: Reasons why the Bible is trustworthy (0:00) The meaning of the Bible’s inerrancy (3:27) The Bible does not contradict itself (5:15) Do parts of Old Testament law still apply today? (6:25) The canon of Scripture and how certain books were chosen (9:05) Relevancy and reliability of these ancient writings (12:55) Encouragement for those who still have questions (16:05)