
Showing posts with the label Gift of Healing

What is the Gift of Healing?

Both the words “gifts” and “healing” (1 Corinthians 12:9) are in the plural in the Greek. Some take this to mean that there are a variety of forms of this gift. Some of these take it that certain individuals are gifted to heal one sort of disease or sickness, some another sort. Philip, for example, was used especially in the healing of the paralyzed and the lame (Acts 8:7). Others take it that God gives one a gift of a supply of healings at a particular time, and another supply is given at another time, perhaps to someone else, most probably in the ministry of the evangelist. The healing of the lame man at the Gate Beautiful is taken as an example (3:6, 7) Still, others take it that every healing is a special gift—that is, the gift is for the sick person who has the need. Thus, in this view, the Spirit does not make men healers. Instead, He provides a new ministry of healing for each need as it arises in the Church. For example, the power that flowed into the body of the woman wi

Has the gift of healing ceased?

St. Paul healing the cripple at Lystra (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Dr. Michael L. Brown, a foremost Messianic Jewish apologist, believes the gift of healing continues in a powerful way, while Dr. James White, a director at Alpha and Omega Ministries, says the gift was to establish the authority of the Apostles at the time. Their debate was streamed live Saturday. We find in the Old Testament, beginning with Exodus 15:26, that God revealed Himself as Israel's healer, the divine physician of the nation, said Brown at the start of a live debate on Saturday evening. God promised that if they walk in obedience to Him, He would take sicknesses from their midst, he said. Deuteronomy 28 talks about covenantal curses, which included severe sickness and illness, and healing was a covenantal blessing, explained Brown, whose nationally-syndicated radio show, "The Line of Fire," airs throughout the United States. Healing was, of course, not automatic, but it was a

John Piper and Divine Healing

“I dont see any reason that any [of the gifts] should in principle be eliminated from present experience, at least the possibility of God giving it at any time. So I would say, yes there is a gift of healing . . . the Holy Spirit gives them according to his sovereign will . . . God is sovereign and he is supernatural and he touches and he heals. . . it is something that goes beyond what doctors can do, though I love doctors . . . God heals, he heals cancer, he heals sore throats . . . so we should ask for the gift . . . I put my hands on people and I ask God then and there to do something. . . there have been a few where they have come back with excitement that they have been touched and healed. Not many with anything extraordinary, just a steady stream of thank-yous for praying . . . some people are granted success more regularly in praying for healing than others, I wouldn’t call them healers because that has bad connotations . . . the gift can come at any moment for the momen