
Showing posts with the label Giver

Spiritual Gifts meets needs

Ministry of the Apostles, a complex multi-figure icon with a full-height image of Jesus Christ, surrounded by sectors with scenes of His disciples' calling, ministry and martyrdom. Icon from the Yaroslavl Museum Preserve. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Have you ever considered why there are so many diverse spiritual gifts in the body of Christ ? In the various lists provided for us in Scripture (Rom. 12:3-8, 1 Cor. 12:4-11, 27-31; Eph. 4:7-12; 1 Pet. 4:10-11), you discover the wide scope of the Spirit's sovereign administration of gifts for the encouragement and edification of the local church. Agreeing with most theologians, these lists are not to be considered comprehensive in description, but they are descriptive in the sense that they show all the various ways the Spirit of God enables members for service in the kingdom of God . As I've reflected on this diversity of gifts, it comes to my mind how significant they are to the promise of Christ to build His church ( M

Does Scripture teach, wealth, health and prosperity?

English: Ecclesiastes, (קֹהֶלֶת, Kohelet, "son of David, and king in Jerusalem" alias Solomon, Wood engraving (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Does Proverbs teach "the Health, Wealth , and Prosperity Gospel ?" It certainly contains multiple promises of health, wealth, and prosperity to those who live wisely. However, there's an eternity of difference between the Prosperity Gospel and Gospel Prosperity. Let me give you five statements that will help clarify that difference. 1. God has provided external Wisdom, in principle and Person form, to correct our sin-caused ignorance, error, and folly. God made us with knowledge, rightness, and practical life-skills. However, as a punishment for Adam 's sin, God cursed Adam and his descendants with ignorance, error, and folly. As no amount of research, experimentation, or reasoning will make us spiritually wise again, God has revealed His otherwise inaccessible and unattainable Wisdom to us. In the Old Testament , God