God the Son

Have you encountered the doctrine of Son’s eternal generation (i.e., being eternally begotten of the Father)? We recognize the importance of affirming that the Son of God is not a creature but is Himself, God. But I could not conceive why it was necessary to discuss the nature of Son’s begetting in such detail. Where in the Bible would one get such an idea? And why does it matter? It turns out that it matters a great deal and that it’s not as speculative as it may seem at first. The God of Scripture is Trinitarian—one God in three persons1. The distinctions between the persons are not between levels of deity, for all three persons are equally God. As the Westminster Shorter Catechism captures it, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are “the same in substance, equal in power and glory” (WSC 6). Christians should not doubt the deity or personality of any person of the Godhead. Instead, the distinctions among the persons of the Trinity are known as personal properties: the Fa...