
Showing posts with the label God's throne

How do angels worship?

Icon Apocalypse (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Revelation 4 “Around the throne, on each side of the throne, are four living creatures, full of eyes in front and behind” (v. 6b). Centuries after Isaiah saw the angels in God ’s heavenly throne room (6:1–3), John was given a vision of the divine throne room as well. Revelation 4 records the first part of this vision, which is remarkably similar to Isaiah 6. The angels John witnesses praising the Lord declare the Creator’s holiness three times (Rev. 4:8), which suggests that these are the same creatures Isaiah witnessed (6:3). That the two prophets are granted the same or similar view of the angels is also seen in the fact that the angels in each vision have six wings (Rev. 4:8; Isa. 6:2). However, unlike Isaiah’s vision, the angels whom John sees are covered with eyes (Rev. 4:6b, 8), and no attempt is made to shield their eyes in the presence of God (see Isa. 6:2). The reason why the angelic creatures do not cover their eyes in Reve