
Showing posts with the label Golden age

The Golden age of the church never existed

Discouragement with the state of the modern church and an overly optimistic view of church history has caused some Christians to believe that the church once had a golden age. It’s often suggested that the early church represented this age. We must correct our drifting and return to the values and practices of the early church, the argument goes.  They want the church to be more “Apostolic.” They want it to be more communal (see Acts 2:44). They want it to be free of denominationalism and separation. The natural consequence of this well-intended attitude is a disparagement of the modern church. To identify the early church as the golden era and to yearn for its exact replication is misguided and dangerous. In many ways, these critics are right—there are many things that the church needs to heed from our earliest forefathers. The early Christians faithfully employed the divinely ordained means of grace (v. 42), they shared the gospel with deep fervour, they exhibited tremendous generosi