Is Glory God's Only Goal?
Has the glory of God become a cliché? The vocabulary of glory is on the rise, but certain misunderstandings and imbalances linger. Will "the glory of God" become a cliché, much like "the love of God " to the previous generation, which too often reduced love to sentimentality? It is encouraging to hear much about God's glory as his ultimate end. I rejoice that many are captured by God's glory as the ultimate end, as it is the goal of creation; the exodus; Israel ; Jesus' ministry , life, death, resurrection, and reign; our salvation; the church; the consummation; all of salvation history; and even God himself. Paul often highlights this cosmic goal: "For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, so that he might be the firstborn among many brothers" ( Rom. 8:29 ); "all things were created through him and for him" ( Col. 1:16 ; cf. Rom. 11:33-36 ; Heb. 2:10 ). While there is a ...