
Showing posts with the label Gospel of Luke

Two blokes approach Jesus asking for high profile position - what did Jesus say?

Third window in the north aisle with two lights depicting the Raising of the Daughter of Jairus. This window was created by Patrick Pollen in 1958. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) “James and John the sons of Zebedee approach him, saying to him, ‘Teacher, we wish that you might do for us whatever we might ask you.’ ” The disciples James and John have previously been mentioned together, along with Jesus and Peter , in Mark 5:37 on the occasion of raising up the daughter of Jairus .  These three were with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration (9:2), and they will be together again in Mark 13:3 when they ask for further clarification of Jesus’ prophecy of the temple’s coming destruction.  According to Mark 3:17 Jesus surnamed James and John Boanerges, that is, the “ sons of thunder ” (on this problematical epithet, see Guelich, 161–62).  They approach Jesus, the “teacher” (διδάσκαλε—on the lips of the disciples in 4:38; 9:38; on the lips of others in 5:35; 9:17; 10:17, 20), w

Is the hand of God on you?

English: Ezra Reads the Law to the People (Neh. 8:1-12) Русский: Священник Ездра читает народу Закон (Неем. 8:1-12) (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) “This Ezra went up from Babylon ; and he was a ready scribe in the law of Moses , which the LORD God of Israel had given: and the king granted him all his request, according to the hand of the LORD his God upon him.” ( Ezra 7:6 ) Neither Ezra, who was a scribe, nor Nehemiah , who was apparently a butler, had been prepared by either study or experience to supervise a great construction project, rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem and the wall of the city, both of which had been destroyed many years before by the armies of Babylon. Yet God called them to these ministries and led them and protected them as they carried them out. They were both careful, then, to give God the credit for what they had accomplished. No less than six times in Ezra and twice in Nehemiah they reminded their readers that God’s hand had been upon them as they supervi

Death the great enemy

Death is the great enemy, though many of us live in denial of it. Our culture tries to hide death . We don’t see bodies in the streets, as in some parts of the world. Corpses go straight to the morgue or the funeral home — out of sight and out of mind. Many of us have never seen a dead body . Fewer have witnessed a person actually die. We would rather not think about death, we don’t like to talk about it, and we’d prefer to pretend it won’t happen to us. But it will happen to us. In fact, in one hundred years from now, everyone reading this will be dead. Does that sound harsh? That’s because it  is  harsh! But it is also true. Only as we confront the reality of death will we appreciate the hope of resurrection.  There is nothing like death to make us desire resurrection. John 11 begins with a sick Lazarus . His sisters Mary and Martha sent word to Jesus to come to Bethany (John 11:1–3). But Jesus does not go right away. He delays. In fact, he waits two days — until Laza

Did Jesus break God's law?

Joseph with the Infant Jesus (c. 1635), at the Hermitage, in St. Petersburg. Oil on canvas, 126 x 101 cm. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) A little over a year ago a Pastor in preached a sermon called “ It Works Both Ways .”  In short he paints a picture of a parent who finds his child with a severe head injury after having fallen off of the monkey bars. The parent scoops the child up and heads for the car. As he begins driving, he doesn’t even notice the speed limits and even if he did he wouldn’t obey them, because of his love for his child. Similarly, the pastor says “ God broke the law for love.” God after giving us the law, displayed his love by breaking it. In essence he loved us more than His own love. DID JESUS BREAK HIS FATHERS LAW? There are many problems with this theologically and philosophically but it is not my purpose in this post to detail them. Even a simple reading of a single chapter in the Gospel of Luke would show how meticulous Mary , Joseph and Jesus were in

Tim Keller and the Prodigal Sons

The Prodigal God looks at the Parable of the Prodigal Son as a parable about the lostness of both brothers and the heart of God the Father that is revealed towards them both. Keller shows clearly that the parable is a powerful challenge to self-righteous, religious moralists. Both brothers are lost, and the only way back to the father is through his love and grace. This poses a special problem to those who are self-satisfied with their religious practices. Nevertheless, even Pharisees are invited to enter the joy of the feast. The love of the Father invites all to come in. This is only possible because of the life, death, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ . We have all sinned and been cut off from our proper home, but through Christ a new heavens and new earth are being made where a great feast will take place. The only way to gain entrance is through Christ Jesus himself Related articles The Prodigal Son's Brother ( Our fathers on eart

Sowing the gospel seed

Landscape with the Parable of the Sower (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Matthew 13 begins with three words: “that same day.” They summon us to connect the parable of the sower to the controversy described in the previous passage. Troubles began when Jesus healed a man rendered blind and mute by demonic power. Jesus healed the man, so that many people wondered: “Can this be the Son of David ?” (12:22). The Pharisees had another explanation. His power is undeniable, but He must be a sinner, for He works on the Sabbath and befriends sinners, which they considered sins. Since He is evil and powerful, the source of His power must be evil, even satanic (12:24). Imagine what the apostles thought as the controversy unfolded. Jesus performed signs that advertised the arrival of the kingdom of God, yet many opposed Him. The disciples had to be perplexed. If Jesus is Savior, why did so few follow Him? Why did Israel ’s leaders reject their long-awaited deliverer? With these questions in the

Fear Not People!

The Lord's Prayer (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) “But rather seek ye the kingdom of God ; and all these things shall be added unto you.” ( Luke 12:31 ) In these days of financial worries and rampant materialism, it does us good to reflect on Christ ’s teaching concerning our priorities.  In this passage, He was teaching His disciples not to be troubled over temporal things (v. 22), but to rest in the fact that He will supply our needs. “If then God so clothe the grass, which is to day in the field, and to morrow is cast into the oven; how much more will he clothe you, O ye of little faith?” (v. 28). We are not to have our mind set on material things (v. 29), neither are we to be “of doubtful mind” wavering between hope and fear of the future. We are to be different. We are children of the King and are in His care. The “nations of the world seek after” (v. 30) these things.  Our Father knows that we have need of certain things, and since He loves us and has our best int

Is the work of the Holy Spirit in us supernatural but less spectacular?

English: The Pentecost Mosaic, in the center is the dove of the Holy Spirit with the twelve apostles below. This is one of the oldest mosaics in the church dating from 1125 AD. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The operation of the Holy Spirit after the day of Pentecost differed from that which from that which the prophets in their official capacity enjoyed. The Holy Spirit came upon the prophets as a supernatural power and worked upon them from without. His action on them was frequently repeated but was not continuous. The distinction between His activity and the mental activity of the prophets themselves was made to stand out rather clearly. On the day of Pentecost, however, He took up His abode in the hearts of the apostles and began to work upon them from within.  Since He made their hearts His permanent abode, His action on them was no more intermittent but continuous, but even in their case the supernatural work of inspiration was limited to those occasions on which they