Infant christening -, confirmation or Water Baptism?
English: A Russian Orthodox priest, parents, godparents and a baptized baby (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) As the pastor I frequently encounter this recurring couplet of questions posed by prospective members: “Since I was baptized as an infant, and then later (in my denomination’s confirmation ceremony) confirmed publically that I trust Jesus as my Lord and Savior, why do you believe I should be re-baptized? Is this re-baptism not a renouncing of my previous confirmation ceremony, which to me was a precious and public expression of my personal trust in Jesus?” Here is the essence of a letter I recently wrote to answer the question. Let’s call the inquirer something that rhymes with dunking. Dear Person, Your questions are good and show a commendable desire to reconcile what you have been taught with what you are learning now. Here are four handrails for our thoughts to grip as we wade through the issue. 1. Reasons for infant baptism. Most Christians in our country were baptized as...