Will Christians suffer during the coming Tribulation?

Jesus , Paul, and other New Testament writers unanimously assume, and assert, that believers experience distress, suffering, persecution, and martyrdom. The vision of Revelation 7 promises the spiritual protection of the faith of Jesus’ followers, but not physical protection from suffering. The “ great tribulation ” that Jesus prophesies in Matthew 24:21 describes the horrific events of the siege and destruction of Jerusalem , a prophecy that was fulfilled in the events of A.D. 66–70. The “great tribulation” of Revelation 7:14 is not a particular period of history in which suffering becomes unbearable, but a description of the end times as a time of trouble during which many of Jesus’ followers are tested and purified as martyrs. This does not mean that all believers will suffer extreme distress or that all believers will be persecuted, or that all believers will die as martyrs. It means, however, that suffering and persecution should not come as a surprise, a...