
Showing posts with the label Guy Fawkes


English: The Discovery of the Gunpowder Plot, Laing Art Gallery (Tyne and Wear Museums) (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) On the evening of the 5th of November 1605, Guy Fawkes and a band of conspirators were arrested for attempting to blow up the British Houses of Parliament . It was difficult for Fawkes to deny his intention, for he was found guarding 800kg of gunpowder in the cellar underneath the Parliament buildings, holding a flaming torch! Guy Fawkes was a Catholic whose plan was to kill King James 1st in order to overthrow the Protestant monarchy. He was tortured for days without revealing any information not already known, and then sentenced to be hanged, drawn, and quartered. He cheated the executioner by jumping from the gallows and breaking his own neck, thus avoiding the gruesome execution to follow. Many Catholics saw him as a hero, the perfect example of bravery, willing to die for the cause he believed in. Many Protestants saw him as the perfect example of what happen