
Showing posts with the label Hadith

“The Bible was written by men with Daddy issues,” says atheist scholar. John Dickson responds

Jonah was not swallowed by a fish, there was never an exodus, and Moses never existed, according to atheist and biblical scholar Professor Francesca Stavrakopoulou (a Professor of Hebrew Bible and Ancient Religion in the Theology and Religion department at Exeter University ) who appeared on The Weekly on Wednesday evening, making outrageous claims about the Bible. Eternity asked historian John Dickson to respond to some of her comments. Stavrakopoulou claimed that Jonah was not swallowed by a fish, there was never an exodus, and that there’s no evidence for Moses being a historical figure. Should Christians be troubled by her claim that there is no evidence for these events and people? Um, no! If there’s one thing the media has taught us over the last ten years or so it’s that almost nothing that gets aired to the general public represents what mainstream scholars really believe. I don’t think the media is out to get Christians, or scholarship. It’s just that idiosyncratic and