
Showing posts with the label HarperCollins

Do Muslims and Christian worship the same God?

Image via Wikipedia Miroslav Volf ,  Allah : A Christian Response  ( HarperOne , 2011), 336 pp., $25.99. “Do Muslims and Christians worship the same God ? Does the answer to that question have significant implications for how Christians and Muslims engage each other in the world today?” It was in answer to those two questions that Miroslav Volf wrote  Allah: A Christian Response . It was not written to answer whether or not Muslims are saved; that is, his goal is to discuss a political theology , not soteriology. My review will focus on two areas: (1) stimulating practical points and (2) points of theological and biblical concern. Stimulating Points Volf writes as one who has seen the bitter hostilities between Muslims and Christians and wishes to see those hostilities cease. Accordingly, he makes several points that provide excellent stimulation for Christians who are considering how to think about and engage with adherents of Islam . First , Volf helpfully summarizes key similarit