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What happened on the Day of Atonement?

English: Nadab and Abihu consumed by fire from the Lord; illustration from "Figures de la Bible", illustrated by Gerard Hoet (1648-1733), and others, and published by P. de Hondt in The Hague in 1728; image courtesy Bizzell Bible Collection, University of Oklahoma Libraries. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Leviticus 16. Leviticus 16 is the central passage describing and explaining the Day of Atonement ritual. Following the death of Aaron ’s sons Nadab and Abihu , (Lev 10), the text focuses on issues of cleanness and uncleanness of the sacred space. Chapter 16 deals with purification of the sanctuary, the high priest (16:1–4), and the people. After the high priest had achieved atonement through sacrificing a bull, he was qualified to serve in the sanctuary. The Day of Atonement ritual required two goats which were used to bring atonement for the people’s sins. The high priest would cast lots to determine which would go to God and which would go to “ Azazel .” He would then