
Showing posts with the label Hillsong

Hillsong Kiev Senior Pastor: “We Believe God For Our Protection”

Hillsong Kyiv’s senior pastor has spoken out as his city – and country – faces unprecedented attacks from Russia. Yuriy Ravnushkin, the lead pastor in Kyiv, posted the video message below to encourage Hillsong members, and the church in general, to how the church is coping during such a difficult time. After weeks of escalating tensions, on February 24, Russia orchestrated a military invasion of Ukraine. Hundreds of thousands of people have fled their homes to neighboring countries, while the capital of Kyiv is under siege and thousands are sheltering in any place of safety they can find. While posting the video update, Pastor Yuriy told those around the world that they are believing in God for their protection. “I want to give you an update on the situation in Ukraine right now,” Pastor Yuriy said. “First of all, I want to say that we are very united as a nation right now and the resistance is very strong. At the same time, the situation is very difficult because for the ten days we h

Hillsong Songwriter walks away from Christ

I just read the news that Marty Sampson, a popular Hillsong songwriter, is leaving the faith. In his words, “I’m genuinely losing my faith … and it doesn’t bother me.” What I find most surprising is not him turning from his faith . People fall away all the time, and there are warnings throughout the New Testament about the dangers of apostasy. It is tragic to behold, but not a total surprise. “No One Talks About It”? What is surprising is Marty seems to feel that “no one” is talking about challenges to the Christian faith. “No one” is discussing difficult intellectual issues. “No one” is engaging the apparent contradictions or interpretative problems in the Bible. I can only ask (with sadness rather than condemnation), “Marty, what Christian world have you been living in?” He asks, “How many preachers fall? Many. No one talks about it.” Really? I can only ask (with sadness rather than condemnation), “Marty, what Christian world have you been living in?” How many artic

Hillsong Pastor Brian Houston reflections on the Australian Census

CHURCHES MUST CHANGE - BRIAN HOUSTON , HILLSONG The census results that revealed a small drop in the number of people calling themselves “Christian”, and less people identifying themselves as being affiliated with any religion, should be a wake-up call for the Christian church across Australia . While these results were not unexpected, the census also showed the changing social values our country is facing including a rise in the number of people following the Muslim faith. Again, this is not surprising, as it is clear that Australia’s immigration policies are having an impact on the texture and makeup of our society. Yet as a Christian pastor it does concern me that what I see as the foundations of our community — the values that bring us together — are being diminished, and the faith that has shaped our nation for so long is declining. While many Australians are not practising Christians and value, as I do, the many different cultures that form our country, I believe th

Interview with Brian Houston from Hillsong

English: Hillsong Church logo. Category:Australian Christian Churches Category:Christian images (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Eternity’s editor John Sandeman sits down with Brian Houston during Hillsong ’s 2015 Conference, Australia ’s largest Christian gathering. I want to ask you about theme of this Hillsong Conference “Speak … we’re listening”. Can I ask you about a time in your life when you believe God spoke to you and said, “Brian, just keep on what you are doing, you are doing fantastically well” and maybe there’s a time when God said, “Brian, I really want you to change something you are doing.” Look I could tell you many stories across my life of significant moments, when God has spoken to me directing a vision which today has framed many different aspects of our work. I find it happens at the most unexpected times. It’s been on airplanes. I was on an airplane way back in the early years of our church. I really got just a dream in my heart. It was called ‘International

Warmth of the fire of the Holy Spirit or the quenching of the Holy Spirit?

Icon of the Pentecost (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) We quench the Spirit by not allowing Him to work in us as we ought. This is what is brought out by the word quench. It is not ‘stifle’; it is stronger—Quench ! Quenching immediately conjures up the image of fire. That is why the Apostle used the word translated ‘quench’; it brings us at once to the notion of fire.  You ‘quench’ a fire; so what he is really saying is, Do not quench the fire of the Spirit that is within you. Of all the images used with respect to the Holy Spirit there is none used more frequently than that of fire. John the Baptist used the word quite dramatically. Some of the people, having heard his preaching, said, ‘Is not this the Christ ?’ John overheard them and said, ‘I am not the Christ. I indeed baptize you with water; but one mightier than I cometh, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire: whose fan is in his hand, and he will through

John Piper on why he would not watch: Game of Thrones

JOHN PIPER 'S ASKS 12 QUESTIONS BEFORE YOU WATCH! “Pastor John, do you believe there is a difference between film nudity versus pornography? I know many Christians who are against porn, but they have no issue watching movies or TV shows that show graphic nudity.” A young woman named Emily recently emailed this question to the Ask Pastor John inbox. A day later, Adam emailed to ask: “Pastor John, what would you say to a Christian who watches the cable TV show Game of Thrones ?” This is a television series rated TV-MA , and has become rather infamous for its explicit nudity and sex scenes, and for graphic scenes of rape and sexual violence against women.Game of Thrones is now the most popular series in HBO history, with an average audience of more than 18 million viewers. What follows is a slightly edited transcript of John Piper’s response in today’s episode of Ask Pastor John. The closer I get to death and meeting Jesus personally face to face, and giving an account for m

Bill Hybels - The 15 minutes devotions in your favourite chair - Hillsong Conference

Bill Hybels shared at Hillsong Conference the message: 15 minutes with God. He challenged his friend about allocating time to have devotions and meet with god. Years later he met this same friend who looked completely different. Bill had a meal at his house and the man showed him his rocking chair . Bill had challenged him about his devotions, so he bought a good rocking chair, got his coffee, Bile and chair and started a life changing habit. Bill encouraged the Hillsong Conference to allocate time to God each day by doing the same thing. Brain Houston, thanked Bill for his insight and contribution over the years to the Christian church in Australia.  Related articles Hillsong - Australia's most powerful brand ( A Baptist Pastor goes to a Hillsong Conference! ( Hillsong Conference 2013 ... On Live! ( SOAR 2014 Song List ( Colour 2013 ( C

Why did Moses met God outside the camp in the wilderness?

English: Moses Sees the Promised Land from Afar, as in Numbers 27:12, by James Tissot (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) “And Moses brought forth the people out of the camp to meet with God ; and they stood at the nether part of the mount.” ( Exodus 19:17 ) This is the first of more than 30 references to events that took place outside the camp of the Israelites in the wilderness under Moses. In this first mention, it was “without the camp” that God first met with His people and gave them the Ten Commandments . The first temporary tabernacle was also “pitched . . . without the camp” ( Exodus 33:7 ). However, when the regular tabernacle was established, it was placed in the midst of the camp, and the camp was considered holy before the Lord . “For the LORD thy God walketh in the midst of thy camp . . . therefore shall thy camp be holy” ( Deuteronomy 23:14 ). Accordingly, anything unclean was commanded to be banned from the camp (vv. 10-13), including even “the bodies of those beasts, whos

Evangelism requires we may have to cross ethnic, gender, and religious barriers

Christ and the Samaritan woman  (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) "There came a woman of Samaria to draw water. Jesus said to her, 'Give me a drink.' (For his disciples had gone away into the city to buy food.) The Samaritan woman said to him, 'How is it that you, a Jew , ask for a drink from me, a woman of Samaria?' (For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans.)" ( John 4 :7-9) In John 4:7-9, Jesus crossed three barriers.  The first was that which separated Samaritans from Jews. In the eighth century BC, the Assyrian Empire conquered the northern kingdom of Israel and deported the Israelites who lived there. In their place, the Assyrians brought other peoples to populate the land (2 Kings 17:24). These Gentiles sought to worship both the gods of their homelands and the local deity, the God of the Israelites, so they mixed the religions. This was a grave offense to the Jews, and over the centuries their hatred only grew as the Samaritans developed their o

Does prayer change God's mind?

The Christian Martyrs' Last Prayer (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) What kind of God could be influenced by my prayers ?  What could my prayers do to induce Him to change His plans? Could I possibly give God any information about anything that He doesn’t already have?  Or could I persuade Him toward a more excellent way by my superior wisdom?  Of course not. I am completely unqualified to be God’s mentor or His guidance counselor . So the simple answer is that prayer does not change God’s mind.  But suppose we ask the question of the relationship between God’s sovereignty and our prayers in a slightly different way: “Does prayer change things?” Now the answer is an emphatic “ Yes !” The Scriptures tell us that “the effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much” ( James 5:16 ). This text declares that prayer is effectual. It is not a pious exercise in futility. That which is futile avails nothing. Prayer, however, avails much. That which avails much is never fut

The answers to believers’ prayers bring assurance of salvation.

"Cleric, Knight, and Workman": the three estates in a French medieval illumination (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) “And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do the things that are pleasing in His sight.” 1 JOHN 3:22 Another reliable way to know if you are a Christian is if God answers your prayers. The apostle John gives us the infallible reasoning for this statement. First, you can know your prayers will be answered if you keep His commandments ( 1 John 3:22). And second, John says the only way you can obey God’s commandments is if you belong to Him (v. 24). Therefore, an obedient believer proves He is abiding in Christ and receives further assurance when his prayers are answered. However, the only prayers God answers are the ones prayed according to His will. If you are an obedient believer, you will fashion your prayers in line with what Scripture says about His will. The answered prayer that follows will bring you confidence an