
Showing posts with the label Holy Spirit of God

Receive the Holy Spirit!

Icon of the Pentecost (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) “But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you.” ( Acts 1:8 ) This promise of our Lord signaled the beginning of the immense change from the old covenant to the new. Prior to the fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy ( Joel 2:28 ; Acts 2:16 ) on the day of Pentecost , the saints of God were empowered both selectively and infrequently. We, however, upon whom the “better thing” has come ( Hebrews 11:40 ), are all temples of the Holy Spirit ( 1 Corinthians 6:19 ). Since we have been “quickened” (made alive) by the Holy Spirit ( 1 Peter 3:18 ), we surely should then “walk in the Spirit” ( Galatians 5:25 ). What, then, is thedunamis (power) that the Holy Spirit provides to us? Obviously, the power comes from the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit Himself ( Ephesians 3:16-20 ). Our flesh has “no good thing” ( Romans 7:18 ) to provide for an empowered, Spirit-filled life. Apart from the dwelling of God’s Spirit in u

What do we do if we have grieved the Holy Spirit?

“And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.” Ephesians 4:30 All that the believer has must come from Christ , but it comes solely through the channel of the Spirit of grace. Moreover, as all blessings thus flow to you through the Holy Spirit, so also no good thing can come out of you in holy thought, devout worship, or gracious act, apart from the sanctifying operation of the same Spirit. Even if the good seed be sown in you, yet it lies dormant except he works in you to will and to do of his own good pleasure. Do you desire to speak for Jesus —how can you unless the Holy Ghost touch your tongue? Do you desire to pray? Alas! What dull work it is unless the Spirit makes intercession for you! Do you desire to subdue sin? Would you be holy? Would you imitate your Master? Do you desire to rise to superlative heights of spirituality? Are you wanting to be made like the angels of God, full of zeal and ardor for the Master ’s cause? You