
Showing posts with the label Holy Steps

Pray up each step - get to the tops you're saved!

We saw her sitting there on her wheelchair sobbing. Why? Because she was unable to walk up the Holy Steps to have her sins forgiven. She so desperately wanted to be able to spend less time in purgatory and she couldn’t bear the thought of being so close to the steps where Jesus had walked and unable to go up them like everybody else. She had been duped into believing that this ritual of walking up the steps, and saying a few hundred hail Mary’s would save her from her sin. Her tears were yet another example of the evil that is the Roman Catholic Church . Of course, a sign not too far from her stated that those who could not crawl up the steps could stay right where they were and still receive pardon for their sin, but she wasn’t buying it.  She knew that she was missing out on something, and it was all because of her inability to perform works. There were dozens of people partaking in this practice of walking up these “holy steps”. According to Roman Catholic tradition,