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Why does the Bible use bread as a symbol?

English: Bread from India (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) That so vital a commodity should leave its mark on language and symbolism is not surprising. From earliest times the word ‘bread’ was used for food in general (Gn. 3:19 and Pr. 6:8, where Heb. has ‘bread’). Since it was the staple article of diet, it was called ‘staff’ of bread (Lv. 26:26), which is probably the origin of our phrase ‘staff of life’.  Those who were responsible for bread were important officials, as in Egypt (Gn. 40:1), and in Assyria a chief baker is honoured with an eponymy. Bread was early used in sacred meals (Gn. 14:18), and loaves were included in certain offerings (Lv. 21:6, etc.).  Above all, it had a special place in the sanctuary as the ‘ bread of the Presence ’. The manna was later referred to as ‘heavenly bread’ (see Ps. 105:40). Our Lord referred to himself as the ‘bread of God’ and as the ‘bread of life’ (Jn. 6:33, 35), and he chose the bread of the Passover to be the symbolic memorial o

"Destroy the Traditional Family: The Game"

Image via Wikipedia This game is real, and you can play it on this website: as_you/2007/09/destroy- traditi.html Participants can use the cursor (shaped like a target) to click on images of happy traditional families, and watch as bombs fall onto the collage of smiling portraits, leaving only a black crater in their wake!  And  Christians are  the intolerant bigots? Of course we realize that the people behind the website have no intention of actually bombing families. But what it does make clear is: Very influential, well-funded people are trying to destroy the traditional family. Anti-family groups, organizations, and individuals have made it their mission to completely deconstruct the family, giving it a subjective meaning that can be molded and warped to an individual's liking. The result is not a new type of family, but the destruction of family, the bedrock of civilization, altogether. Perhaps no institution has done more to further this destruc

"Destroy the Traditional Family: The Game"

Image via Wikipedia This game is real, and you can play it on this website: as_you/2007/09/destroy- traditi.html Participants can use the cursor (shaped like a target) to click on images of happy traditional families, and watch as bombs fall onto the collage of smiling portraits, leaving only a black crater in their wake!  And  Christians are  the intolerant bigots? Of course we realize that the people behind the website have no intention of actually bombing families. But what it does make clear is: Very influential, well-funded people are trying to destroy the traditional family. Anti-family groups, organizations, and individuals have made it their mission to completely deconstruct the family, giving it a subjective meaning that can be molded and warped to an individual's liking. The result is not a new type of family, but the destruction of family, the bedrock of civilization, altogether. Perhaps no institution has done more to further this destruc