
Showing posts with the label Homosexuality

From Fringe Heresy to Dominant Orthodoxy: How the Homosexuality Cult Hijacked the world

It is the greatest civilization coup d’état of the 21st century — a seismic moral, cultural, social, and religious revolution that catapulted a fringe perversion to the status of a privileged orthodoxy. The staggering enormity of the gay guerrilla putsch punched me in the face when I saw an article in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists titled “Queering nuclear weapons: How LGBTQ+ inclusion strengthens security and reshapes disarmament,” written to celebrate Pride Month last year. How did nuclear scientists suddenly come to the spine-chilling conclusion that the world is threatened by “vulnerabilities in nuclear decision making” if LGBTQI+ individuals are excluded from making decisions “by a homogenous, cis-heteronormative community of practitioners”? In November 2022, the Vienna Center for Disarmament and Nonproliferation decided to include LBTQ people in the nuclear weapons space. Immediately, laypeople began tweeting about it, saying things like, “They should not allow mentally il

Jesuits subvert scripture again!

The Jesuits have a history of subverting Scripture to promote propaganda. To discredit the clarity of Scripture in counter-Reformation polemics, Jesuit luminaries like St. Robert Bellarmine and Fr. Diogo de Payva de Andrada resorted to the subterfuge of disparaging the Bible as obscure, even on matters of salvation. When Pope Sixtus V published his edition of the Latin Vulgate, into which he had introduced at least two thousand errors, Bellarmine, who bombastically designated the pontiff as “vice-God,” hushed up the scandal and falsely blamed the errors on the typesetters. Bellarmine sneered at the Hebrew manuscripts when they contradicted mistranslated Vulgate texts. He upheld, for example, the copyist’s error from the proto-evangelium of Genesis 3:15, which read: ” she [Mary] shall crush your head” instead of “he [Jesus] shall crush your head”—an error finally corrected by the Vatican in the Nova Vulgata of 1979. The iconic Jesuit even defended fornicating priests over against clergy

Christian kids who come out

It’s not a matter of  if  but  when . When will students in your church—or even the child in your home—announce same-sex attractions or transgender identities? For some of you, the “when” may have been last week, coinciding with National Coming Out Day. But no matter what day kids come out, Christians need to be ready. We need to know how to demonstrate love without affirmation, kindness without capitulation. Ultimately, we need to know what the Bible says and how to respond. In her article, “ How to Respond If Your Child Comes Out Today ,” Maria Keffler offers advice for Christian parents in this very situation. And she gets practical, providing suggestions for what to say in the moment, even if it’s just, “I need some time to process.”

5 things about Homosexuality

Q: If the Bible says so little about homosexuality, why do Christians insist on talking about it so much? A: The reason the Bible says comparatively little about homosexuality is because it was a comparatively uncontroversial sin among ancient Jews and Christians. There is no evidence that ancient Judaism or early Christianity tolerated any expression of homosexual activity. The Bible says a lot about idolatry, religious hypocrisy, economic injustice, and pagan worship because these were common sins for God’s people in both testaments. The prophets didn’t rail against the homosexual practice because as a particularly obvious and egregious sin it was less frequently committed in the covenant community. The Bible talks about bestiality even less than it talks about homosexuality, but that doesn’t make bestiality an insignificant issue—or incest or child abuse or fifty other sins the Bible barely addresses. Counting up the number of verses on any particular topic is not the best way to de

Have I got to obey Old Testament commands today?

Do Old Testament commands apply today?  1) Theologians have divided the Old Testament laws into moral, ceremonial, and civil law, 2) We are bound by some commands because they are moral principles, 3) We do not follow civil and ceremonial laws, rather we have to recognize that “God had a moral principle that he was applying to a specific society” and then in order to apply those laws to ourselves we have to “stop and ask what is the moral principle that God was applying into that world, and then figure out how do I apply that moral principle into my world today” and 4) Figuring out the moral principle for today is a “harrowing and messy process” because “there is nothing in the Bible that marks the law as moral or ceremonial or civil, we just have to figure it out” and by studying the Bible we can understand what “would God have us do with this particular command.” There is a process for figuring out what God wants us to do in obedience to him -  that is neither messy nor

‘Kissed Dating Goodbye’ author announces divorce, says he’s no longer Christian

Joshua Harris, the author of the Christian self-help bestseller I Kissed Dating Goodbye, recently announced that he is both divorcing his wife and no longer considers himself a Christian, in the process apologizing to “the LGBTQ+ community” for having previously espoused a traditional Christian sexual ethic.  The book’s publishers bill I Kissed Dating Goodbye as presenting a “call to sincere love, real purity, and purposeful singleness” while providing “solid, biblical alternatives to society's norm.” In the book, Harris advocated a more courtship-like model of forming relationships, including greater involvement of both partner’s parents and getting to know potential spouses in group settings. Harris has come under fire over the years for several aspects of the book, and in a statement on his website says he no longer stands by everything he wrote. “I now think dating can be a healthy part of a person developing relationally and learning the qualities that matter most

Dear Lauren Daigle: Shine for Jesus, Not Culture- Even If It Means Calling Homosexuality Sin

Dear Sister, You’ve undoubtedly received backlash for your recent comments on homosexuality. Is this backlash merited? Let me first say that I am your fan. You've ministered to me on multiple occasions, and I trust you will continue to do so. For a while, I played "Trust In You" every morning on my way to work. It was my post-devotional habit. Your recent expedition to public fame had the Body of Christ cheering you on as we watched you perform on Ellen, Jimmy Fallon, and other platforms not routinely frequented by Christian artists. I understand some Christians took issue with your performances, given the worldview that Ellen and others unabashedly affirm. I'm sorry about that. You were taking the opportunity to witness on a platform that few Christians will ever have. Good on you. But last week you were tested. In an interview on The Domenic Nati Show you were asked a fiercely controversial question that would challenge the delivery process of any publicly-kno

Let’s Help Lauren Daigle Rather Than Condemn Her

We’ve seen this show before. A Christian recording artist or author becomes very popular, reaching beyond a typical Church audience and becoming popular in the larger world. He or she is then asked about homosexuality and fudges the answer. In turn, the Church quickly condemns him or her. Can we do better this time around? Let Your Light Shine I’m talking specifically about the very popular Christian recording artist Lauren Daigle, whose career skyrocketed when she recently appeared on the shows of Ellen Degeneres and Jimmy Fallon. She received plenty of criticism from some Christian circles for those appearances, but many others saw the good in it. After all, if you can sing your song or tell your story before the non-believing world, why not do it? Why not let your light shine in dark places? How else will it be seen? It’s one thing to compromise our faith to share our faith. That’s a lose-lose scenario. But if you can be yourself and reach a larger audience, why not? Unfortunatel

30 Questions & Answers on Homosexuality and the Bible

Question 1: Aren't Christians being selective with Old Testament law when they appeal to it with respect to homosexuality, while ignoring Old Testament commands about clothing, food, etc.? In some sense, yes, because we are singling out the moral law, which is exactly what the New Testament trains us to do. The book of Acts distinctly separates the ceremonial and liturgical laws from the moral  law. The Lord told Peter not to distinguish between clean and unclean animals any longer (Acts 10:9-16). At the same time, the Jerusalem Council clearly confirmed the continuation of the moral law (Acts 15). Paul tells us the gospel is for the Gentiles as well as for the Jews, which obliterates that distinction in the holiness code. Nevertheless, Paul regularly returns to the moral law of the Old Testament to show and defend the character of righteous living in general and the commandments  against same-sex acts in particular. If we still depended on the Levitical code for