
Showing posts with the label Howard Gardner
Image via Wikipedia THE social and economic disintegration we are experiencing has a common core. The rioting in the UK ; the corrupt financial system; politicians who lie about going to war, rort the system, pursue power in a media sideshow; a toxic news-gathering culture where police, detectives, journalists and their  bosses collude - all are connected. Harvard University's professor of cognition and education, Howard Gardner , in his latest book  Truth, Beauty and Goodness Reframed , argues these cornerstones of society are under threat and must be reclaimed for us to survive.  Gardner's critique of IQ tests led to an understanding that every child develops multiple intelligences, not simply verbal and mathematical skills. In particular, they must develop ''emotional intelligence'', a combination of insight/self-control and empathy. What the world needs now is more emotional intelligence and an ethical base for intelligent behaviour . Gardner describe