
Showing posts with the label Hubbard L. Ron

Why sin to make you happy?

Most people think that sinning is the best way to happiness. Otherwise, why would so many spend their days figuring out how to sin bigger and better? However, sin is the greatest enemy to our happiness, as the  Puritan Ralph Venning  convincingly demonstrated many years ago. His teaching is summarized below, but his aim in it all was to show that sin is directly “against man ’s good, both present and future, here in time and hereafter to eternity, in this life and world which now is and in that to come. It is against all and every good of man, and against the good of all and every man.” 1. It is against God and therefore against ourselves . Sin is our enemy because it is against God, and separates us from God, who is our greatest good and joy. 2. It is against the good of our body . It has corrupted our blood, made our bodies mortal, rendered us liable to and thereby vile. Before this body is laid in the grave, it is languishing, in a continual consumption, and dying daily, b