
Showing posts with the label Humanism

Do you believe the Bible or human philosophy?

Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones was one of the great preachers of the last century. A medical doctor by training, he was a powerful expositor, whose ministry at Westminster Chapel in London influenced thousands of his fellow preachers. A stalwart defender of biblical Christianity, Dr. Lloyd-Jones understood that the issue of biblical authority is paramount and that the church must choose between two contrasting views of Scripture. Here is an excerpt from his sermon on Ephesians 6:14, The Authority of Scripture: There can be no doubt whatsoever that all the troubles in the Church today, and most of the troubles in the world, are due to a departure from the authority of the Bible. And, alas, it was the Church herself that led in the so-called Higher Criticism that came from Germany just over a hundred years ago.  Human philosophy took the place of revelation, man's opinions were exalted and Church leaders talked about 'the advance of knowledge and science', and 'the assured result

The folly of humanism

“The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God . They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.” ( Psalm 14:1 )   Despite all their pretense of scientific intellectualism, those who deny the existence of a personal Creator God are, in God’s judgment, nothing but fools. The 14th Psalm, the 53rd Psalm,  Romans 3 , etc., all describe the inner character of all such people—whether they call themselves atheists or humanists or pantheists or whatever. This repeated emphasis indicates how strongly God feels about those who dare to question His reality. It is bad enough to disobey His commandments and to spurn His love; it is utter folly to deny that He even exists!   The Bible describes the awful descent from true creationism into evolutionary pantheistic humanism. “When they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be

They chose a man instead of God!

English: Samuel anointing king David (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) “In those days there was no king in Israel , but every man did that which was right in his own eyes.” ( Judges 17:6 ) Four times in the book of Judges we are told that “there was no king in Israel in those days” ( Judges 17:6 ; 18:1; 19:1; 21:25), indicating that the book must have been compiled either by Samuel (the last judge) or someone else of his or a later generation. The first and last of these (which is the final verse in the book) add that “every man did that which was right in his own eyes.” With no centralized government , there were only tribal leaders. Occasionally, one of these would acquire followers from other tribes; these were the “judges” whom God raised up to lead the people out of bondage on the occasions of widespread repentance and prayer. The intervening periods were times of oppression by enemies and moral and spiritual chaos among the people. They did have a King, of course, but they refu