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Why I am not an atheist

Image via Wikipedia L et's face it: Atheism is in. Not since Nietzsche have disbelievers enjoyed such a ready public reception to their godless message—and such near-miraculous royalties. But even that hasn't put them in a good mood. Snaps Christopher Hitchens , who wrote  God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything   (although not, presumably, the pronouncements of atheists), "Many of the teachings of Christianity are, as well as being incredible and mythical, immoral." A feuding Richard Dawkins suggests that believers "just shut up." Apparently, they didn't get the tolerance memo. Other authors—including Douglas Wilson and Francis Collins—have quite capably refuted the new atheist shtick. But remembering Bertrand Russell 's famous essay, "Why I Am Not a Christian," here is a  Reader's Digest  version of why I am. Creation:  The universe, far from being a howling wasteland indifferent to our existence, appears to be finely tune

Why I am not an atheist

Image via Wikipedia L et's face it: Atheism is in. Not since Nietzsche have disbelievers enjoyed such a ready public reception to their godless message—and such near-miraculous royalties. But even that hasn't put them in a good mood. Snaps Christopher Hitchens , who wrote  God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything   (although not, presumably, the pronouncements of atheists), "Many of the teachings of Christianity are, as well as being incredible and mythical, immoral." A feuding Richard Dawkins suggests that believers "just shut up." Apparently, they didn't get the tolerance memo. Other authors—including Douglas Wilson and Francis Collins—have quite capably refuted the new atheist shtick. But remembering Bertrand Russell 's famous essay, "Why I Am Not a Christian," here is a  Reader's Digest  version of why I am. Creation:  The universe, far from being a howling wasteland indifferent to our existence, appears to be finely tune