
Showing posts with the label Inerrancy

Difference does not mean contradiction.

We live in a day when the consistency of thought is demeaned by many people, and individuals maintain that contradiction is the hallmark of truth, particularly in religious matters. Yet, in practice, human beings seek consistency. Consider liberal Protestantism. Decades ago, most of the mainline denominations abandoned the infallibility and inerrancy of Scripture.  Originally, these denominations thought they could continue affirming the other core tenets of Christianity. As the years passed, however, it became clear that the rejection of the infallibility and inerrancy of the Scriptures leads to the denial of Christian orthodoxy on other matters.  Most churches that abandoned biblical inerrancy and infallibility eventually rejected the atonement, biblical sexual ethics, and other teachings. Those denominations had to do that for consistency's sake. To deny that God's Word is without error is to deny that we have a trustworthy revelation from Him. Thus, it doesn't ultimatel

What is the Holy Spirit saying to churches?

He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.” ( Revelation 2:29 ) In Revelation, the Lord Jesus dictated seven poignant letters to seven different churches. Two letters contain praise and commendation. Two give grave warnings. Three are mixed. Smyrna ( Revelation 2:8-11 ) was faithful in the midst of terrible persecution and was promised a “crown of life” for its steadfast testimony. Philadelphia ( Revelation 3:7-13 ) was commended because of its attention to the Word that was given as an “open door.” These served with favor and were given a promise for victory. Ephesus ( Revelation 2:1-7 ) was doctrinally sound but had a love that had grown cold and was in danger of losing the “lamp stand”—the very church relationship that kept them tied to service in the Kingdom. Laodicea ( Revelation 3:14-22 ) was oblivious to its danger of expulsion. It was neither “cold nor hot” (neutral) and had assumed that being successful and well thought of by the world was