
Showing posts with the label Injil

Allah says Jesus is the only path

Image via Wikipedia Allah commands you to read the Injil . But what does it say? It says salvation comes from Allah’s love, not Allah’s rules! It says the straight path to Allah is faith in the Jesus of the Injil.  The Injil gives only one path: Jesus, fully God – fully man and perfect, ransomed us to God through his death on the cross.  He paid our sin-debt. He rose from the dead as proof that he is the path to heaven. Does Allah’s strength not protect his word? The Injil says repent; follow Jesus; put your complete faith and trust in him. Related articles On Diversification: Allah or Jesus? ( My Boss is Allah not America, Pasha to CIA Chief ( The Signs of a Friend of Allāh ta'ala ( The Order for Tawhid and the Refutation of Shirk ( Islamic Spam - Durood ( Questions by an Atheist and Answers by Yusuf Estes (xeniagreekmuslimah.