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Jesus knew what would happen

We know from the apostle John why Palm Sunday happened: The crowd that had been with [ Jesus ] when he called Lazarus out of the tomb and raised him from the dead continued to bear witness. The reason why the crowd went to meet him was that they heard he had done this sign. (John  12:17 –18) The Sunday parade of palms was a celebration of a resurrection. A Confusing Providence But that resurrection was preceded by a confusing death. Lazarus had died. We don’t know what he died of, only that he was “ill” (John 11:1). The Bible rarely provides grisly details. But death by illness in the First Century, with none of the medical aids we modern Westerners take for granted, was no doubt horrible. His death brought profound grief to his sisters, Martha and Mary, who had nursed him as best they could. And Jesus, their dear friend, who also happened to be the greatest healer in the history of the world, had not come. This added grief upon grief for the sisters (John  11