
Showing posts with the label Isreal

Finish Strong

  Moses was a hundred and twenty years old when he died: his eye was not dim, nor his natural force abated.  (Deuteronomy 34:7) During his last years, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale wrote: “The longer I live, the more convinced I become that neither age nor circumstances need deprive us of energy or vitality. Although I have retired from my church, I occupy my working hours with Guideposts Magazine, speaking, and writing books. I go to bed as early as possible and rise early. I try to eat sensibly, exercise regularly, and avoid bad habits of all kinds. I mentally repudiate physical, mental or spiritual decline and disability. I trust in the living God, and I recommend the same to anyone who desires a long and healthy life.” The Bible says, “The Lord blessed the latter end of Job more than the beginning” (Job 42:12). Your age is not a problem to God so long as your faith is strong. Noah didn’t start building the ark until he was 500, went into it at 621, came out of it at 622, and helped to s

Historical proof: The Cyrus Cylinder

in the . (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) This ancient clay cylinder dates from the sixth century BC and contains a declaration from Cyrus the Great .  The first section describes Cyrus ’ greatness and mercy—common themes in such declarations.  The second section, composed of Cyrus’ own words, describes how he returned captive peoples and their gods to their native lands.  It also records his hope that all the returned gods will intercede before Bel and Nabu (the chief Babylonian gods ) on his behalf. The description of Cyrus’ mercy and efforts to return captives supports the biblical account of Israel ’s restoration from exile ( Ezra 1 ). Ezra Introduction:  After being held captive in Babylon for decades, the Jews were allowed to return to their homeland and rebuild the temple. The priest Ezra emerged from one of the first waves of refugees. He taught the people the law and reformed their religious life so the other nations around them could see they were God’s chosen