
Showing posts with the label Jesus blindfolded

Come on Jesus - prophecy who just hit you?

Luke 22:63–65 . Who struck you Jesus? This question was asked by wicked men who held the Saviour in the hour of the power of darkness, Luke 22:53. So far, during His ministry they could not stretch forth a hand against Him.  But now, having been falsely accused and condemned to death by their leaders, those wretched minions thought to physically man-handle Him. They mocked His claims by spitting in His face, smiting and buffeting Him. Then, they thought of further humiliating Him by blindfolding Him, striking Him, then asking Him to tell who it was that had carried out the mean action. Did they really want to test His prophesying ability? Or were they just putting Him to an open shame, Heb. 6:6? Were they really interested in learning the truth about His Person? Did they have a genuine desire to know if He was indeed a prophet? Certainly not! This was simply a clear demonstration that ‘the carnal mind is enmity against God’, Rom. 8:7. Every proof that Jesus of Nazareth was the