
Showing posts with the label Jesus light world

What does it mean that God is light?

God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. 1 JOHN 1:5 Come to God with all your desires and instincts, all your lofty ideals, all your longing for purity and unselfishness, all your yearning to love and be true, all your aspirations after self-forgetfulness and childlikeness; come to Him with all your weaknesses, all your shames, all your futilities; with all your helplessness over your own thoughts; with all your failure, all your doubts, fears, dishonesties, meannesses, paltrinesses, misjudgments, wearinesses, disappointments, and stalenesses. Be sure of this, He will take you and all your misery into His care, in His limitless heart. He is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all. If He were a king, a governor, if the name that described Him were the Almighty, you may well doubt whether there could be light enough in Him for you and your darkness. But He is your Father, and more your Father than the word can mean in any lips but His who said, “My Father and your Fathe