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Why was Jesus tomb sealed and guarded?

Jesus tomb is sealed and guarded a. Sir: They gave Pilate a title of honor and respect. But the day before these same religious leaders rejected the King of Kings . They mocked and despised Him, putting Jesus to open shame, but they honored Pilate.   i. On the next day: “It must mean that the chief priests and Pharisees actually approached Pilate on the Sabbath with their request. If they did that, it is clear to see how radically they broke the Sabbath Law.” (Barclay) b. We remember … how that deceiver said, “After three days I will rise”: Ironically, the enemies of Jesus remembered His promise of resurrection better than His own disciples remembered. c. While He was still alive: In this, the enemies of Jesus admit that Jesus is dead. They did not believe the “Swoon Theory,” a conjecture that denies the resurrection, saying that Jesus never really died, but just “swooned” on the cross, and then somehow wonderfully revived in the tomb.   i. A humorous letter to the edi