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10 Things Every Youth Leader Should Know

Hope Church Australia (Photo credit: Pastor Paul Allen ) A lot of Christians think they aren’t cut out for youth ministry . But if you love Jesus and you care about kids, everything else falls into place. In my five years working with middle school students I’ve met multiple 80 year olds who are incredible youth leaders —and it’s not for their spunky personalities and crazy dance skills. They love Jesus and they love kids. When you boil it down, that’s what really matters. If you start with Jesus, all of the intricacies of youth leading should align conceptually, biblically, and practically. You should be able to trace everything back to Jesus. Here are ten things every youth leader should know: 1. Have a purpose for everything Let’s be honest. From the outside looking in, there’s a lot of weird stuff that happens at youth groups. Beach ball ballet, cricket-spitting contests, fruit baseball, and an endless list of games, skits, and programs that don’t seem to make any sense at a