
Showing posts with the label Johannes Kepler

Do you know any Christian who believes in geocentricity?

Nicolaus Copernicus portrait from Town Hall in Thorn/Toruń - 1580) Esperanto: Nikolao Koperniko (Portreto el Toruń - 1580) Polski: Mikołaj Kopernik (portret z Sali Mieszczańskiej w Ratuszu Staromiejskim w Toruniu - 1580 r.) Français : Nicolas Copernic, portrait exposé au musée de Toruń (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The church's understanding of special revelation had been corrected by students of natural revelation, in terms of new astronomical ideas in the sixteenth century. Both Calvin and Luther rejected Copernicus as a heretic in the 16th century.  I don't know anybody in orthodox Christianity today who's pleading for geocentricity . Do you? In that case the church has said, "Look, we misinterpreted the teaching of the Bible with respect to the solar system, and thank you scientists for correcting our misunderstanding.   We can learn from  nonbelieving  scientists who are studying natural revelation. They may get a better sense of the truth from their study
Image via Wikipedia Image via Wikipedia Image via Wikipedia Image via Wikipedia Image via Wikipedia The so-called new atheists—the late Christopher Hitchens , Sam Harris , and Richard Dawkins —represent the perspective that science, properly understood, renders belief in God untenable. Dawkins argues that the best argument for God was always the argument from nature, but now that we know nature arose by natural processes, we know that God either does not exist or leaves no evidence of His existence. This perspective conflicts with the biblical view. The psalmist says the heavens declare the glory of God (Ps. 19). He looks at nature and talks about something beyond nature. The new atheists' view is also directly opposed to the view of early modern scientists such as Robert Boyle , Johannes Kepler , and Isaac Newton . Many of the leaders of the scientific revolution were devout men of faith. They had a deep conviction that nature was intelligible because it was made by a rational i