
Showing posts with the label John Hagee

Why does a young man murder people in a prayer meeting?

When God first created the world, only two descriptors applied to all that he made — “good” and “very good.” But in his mysterious providence, he made the man and woman capable of rejecting his benevolence and disobeying his command. Our forefather Adam ate the forbidden fruit, and the world hasn’t been the same since. Sin came into the world through one man and death through sin, and that death has spread to all people (Romans 5:12). The biblical teaching that Adam’s sin has been passed down to all people like a terminal spiritual disease is called “total depravity” (Romans 3:10–2, 23). Extensive, Not Intensive The depth of mankind’s sin nature is commonly misunderstood. Human beings are not as bad as they possibly could be. To be absolutely sinful means that a person's every thought, word, and deed is malicious. But this isn’t our experience. People demonstrate benevolence all the time. They donate money and clothes to help the poor. They become teachers to inspire young p

Four Blood Moons by John hagee

Moon (Photo credit: Paul Garland ) We have just experienced the first of a series of four lunar eclipses. Acccording to  NASA , “The action starts [started] on April 15th when the full Moon passes through the amber shadow of Earth, producing a  midnight  eclipse visible across North America.  So begins a lunar eclipse tetrad—a series of 4 consecutive total eclipses occurring at approximately six month intervals.  The total eclipse of April 15, 2014, will be followed by another on  Oct. 8, 2014 , and another on  April 4, 2015 , and another on  Sept. 28 2015 .” These four consecutive total lunar eclipses will each result in the moon appearing red for the duration of the eclipse. This phenomenon is known as a blood red moon. Well, if you are deeply involved in biblical prophecy, this is the kind of thing you will find difficult to ignore. After all, Joel  2:31  says, “The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the great and awesome day of theLORD com