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Is Church controversy good?

Image via Wikipedia The Problem of Controversy In July 1519, the famous Leipzig disputation between Johann Eck and Martin Luther was held in Germany. Luther had become convinced that the medieval church had been teaching some falsehoods in regards to the clarity of Scripture and other matters, and Eck took the counter position. After the debate, a written record of the exchange was sent to the theologians at the University of Paris , and they determined that Eck had won the debate. In response they also published ten theses: 1. The Scriptures are obscure. 2. The Scriptures can’t be used by themselves. 3. The Scriptures must be interpreted by masters, especially the masters at the University of Paris. 4. The church fathers are obscure. 5. The church fathers can’t be interpreted by themselves. 6. The church fathers must be interpreted by masters, especially the masters at the University of Paris. 7. The Four Books of Sentences   by Peter Lombard (a medieval theology textbook)