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Moses - gods and kings

Exodus : Gods and Kings  is a disaster of biblical proportions. Critics who have praised the film's lavish visual style are grasping at the only thing in the movie that works. Is  Exodus  riddled with biblical inaccuracies? Yes. But a Bible epic designed to appeal to the Richard Dawkins/new atheist crowd might find an audience. (Some people can rally around a film that has nothing for everyone.) But as a Christmas gift to moviegoers everywhere, let's look at three parts of the film that should keep any reasonable person away. BatMoses Despite his beard, Christian Bale is still locked into his Batman role. His armor is black. His horses are black. He is the consummate hand-to-hand warrior. And, often, his menacing presence is enough to get local bad guys to back off. Unfortunately, Moses can't always be in battle. When he is in the court of Pharaoh , Bale seems lost. An interrogation scene in which Pharaoh attempts to discover the truth about Moses' family origins