
Showing posts with the label Judeo-Christian

Is Jesus unique among other religious leaders?

Bhagavad gita english (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Have all major religious teachers proclaimed approximately the same message? For example, have many of the religious teachers taught that they were God , as Jesus did? It may surprise many to learn that we have no reliable historical data that any of the founders of the world’s major religions—apart from Jesus—ever claimed to be God.  No early writings attest such a claim on behalf of these persons. For example, Chinese teachers Confucius and Lao-tzu exerted moral, social, and cultural influences on their students but were not theologians.  Many of their wise sayings are reminiscent of the Hebrew book of Proverbs. Strangely, Buddha may have been an atheist who did not believe in any kind of divinity! The Muslim holy book, the Qur’an, definitely does not elevate Muhammad to the place of Allah (God). While we are told that Muhammad is Allah’s chief prophet, there is no attempt to make Muhammad deity. To the contrary, Allah ha

How should Christian understand world history?

7 Lucky Gods of japan (Photo credit: Steve-kun ) "What goes around, comes around." This American idiom suggests a view of history that has more in common with ancient Greek philosophy than with the Judeo-Christian understanding of history. The grand difference between the ancient view of history and that found in Scripture is the difference between what is called "cyclical" and "linear-progressive." A cyclical view indicates that there was no beginning to the universe and no goal for it; rather, history creates itself and eventually repeats itself—forever. It was this ancient perspective that generated the skepticism that inspired Friedrich Nietzsche 's view of "the myth of eternal recurrence." Over against this view stands the biblical view of linear-progressive history. This understanding does not say that history moves in a steady incline, moving toward some evolutionary climax; rather, it indicates a movement of history that looks

Why is God different from the gods of other religions?

The memorial window is also captioned: "To the Glory of God and in Loving Memory of William Wright. Died 6th November, 1932. Aged 70 Yrs." (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Perhaps the most unique characteristic of the Christian God is that he exists. The other ones don’t. Of course, that is a matter of profound debate, as we all know. I would say the chief and most critical differences have to do, ultimately, with the Christian God’s character of holiness. You’re going to get an argument on this from other people who will say that their gods are holy , too. What is unique about Christianity among all the world religions is its central doctrine of a once-for-all atonement that is offered to people to grant them salvation. Old Testament Judaism had a provision for the atonement of sin, but most religions have no provision for an atonement, basically because they do not consider it to be a prerequisite for redemption.  Why would a world religion not consider an atonement

New legal defense fund supports parents’ fight against gay agenda, moral relativism in schools

 In a first for  Canada , a group of volunteers has set up a fund to help defray the legal costs of parents who, fed up with government and scho Image via Wikipedia ol board policies aimed at eradicating all traces of  Judeo-Christian  morality from the education system, are willing to launch  lawsuits  to defend their  parental rights  to be the primary moral educators of their children. “Recognizing that average families don’t have $100,000 sitting around to pay for lawsuits, we’ve started this defense fund to provide financial assistance to families whose parental rights have been violated,” Lou Iacobelli, member of the board of directors and spokesperson for The Parental Rights in Education Defense Fund (PREDF), told LifeSiteNews. “To succeed though, we need people of faith to do their part by donating what they can to make this strategy a reality.” The Fund was created to help parents fight back, in the courts, against what its founders call a “belligerent government ideology” be