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Current economic crisis and the church

English: Fleeing Sodom and Gomorrah Русский: Бегство Лота из Содома (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) There are recorded in the book of Judges twelve separate cycles: disobedience to God 's law; confrontation with a enemy; repentant beseeching of God for intervention; the rise of a liberator. His people were described as "every man doing what right in his own eyes" (Judges 17:6, 21:25). Our present time has been called the " Post-Modern Era." It is marked by a denial of the existence of any absolute truth, standards or values. Everyone is entitled to determine his or her own truth. This passage into the post-modern mindset can be compared to a transformation from a compass-culture (one fixed point of direction) into a radar-culture (one extracts only those items which suit one's own views, Rieman). In this the period of the Judges seems very much like our own present times: no absolute truth and the idol of greed. And when greed is reigning, we can expect ec