
Showing posts with the label LGBT agenda

Olympic Opening Ceremony controversy

For the last 20 years, regarding LGBTQ+ people and issues, I have followed this simple directive from the Lord: “Reach out and resist,” meaning, “Reach out to the people with compassion; resist the agenda with courage.” Or, put another way (which is now the title of a forthcoming book), we should have   hearts of compassion and backbones of steel . In keeping with that spirit, I do not demonize those who identify as LGBTQ+, as if all of them were devious sexual predators who gloried in BDSM practices and delighted in displays of public perversity. Why, then, have gay pride events for decades been marked by these very perverse displays? And why were the opening ceremonies of the Olympic games, intended by the planners to draw attention to France’s LGBTQ+ community, marked by such perversity? Being Offensive in the Name of Inclusivity We can put aside for a moment the debate as to just how offensive the ceremonies were, in particular, the degree of  intentionality  behind the despicable

Has the world gone mad?

 ‘Queers for Palestine’ The headline declared, “WATCH: ANTI-ISRAEL ‘QUEERS FOR PALESTINE’ PROTESTERS BLOCK ACCESS TO DISNEY WORLD.” In this story, we learned that tensions “rose when anti-Israel protesters with the group Queers for Palestine blocked traffic on Saturday outside Disney World in Orlando, Florida.” Queers for Palestine? But of course! That’s like African Americans for the KKK or Jews for Nazism. A delightful mix. You can feel the chemistry. Never mind the fact that there are precisely zero queers in Palestine — because, as many have pointed out, such people would be instantly marked for death by the terrorists in charge. GLAAD So Sad Finally, we read that “Jennifer Lawrence Calls Mike Pence Gay at GLAAD Media Awards: ‘Conversion Therapy Is Not Real – Even Though You Think It Worked on You’.” After making a crude joke about gay sex and noting that “she once fell in love with a gay man but eventually realized her love would never be reciprocated,” Lawrence chose to attack th

The Journey Out -How I followed Jesus away from the Gay

I didn’t think there was a way out. Many churches and individuals now affirm the gay Christian life and cheer on LGBTQ Pride.  But what if the LGBTQ life isn’t the party—for our neighbours, loved ones, or ourselves—that the world says it is?  What if these valuable people are in pain? Pain that sex and Gay Pride won’t heal? After a life of hopelessness and a suicidal season over his confused sexual identity and unwanted same-sex desires, Ken discovered that Jesus offered real inner healing and intimate relationships. Since then, Ken has worked tirelessly to help others experience the same hope and transformation he found. In  The Journey Out , Ken Williams will... Demystify homosexuality and gender identity issues. Share stories of real transformation of sexual identity. Help you form an intimate connection with Jesus and journey toward wholeness and freedom. Lead you to meet with God in key areas crucial to growth. Offer wisdom for supporters: parents, family, friends, and pastors. If

Ex-gay threatened with jail time, fines for testifying about leaving homosexuality

After a Christian charity worker who walked away from homosexuality following his conversion to Christ offered his powerful testimony on a radio show, law enforcement threatened him with possible jail time and a stiff fine for allegedly breaching his country’s law banning LGBT “conversion practices.” The Maltese government’s action against Matthew Grech, 33, is believed to be the first of its kind and is being viewed as a test case by free speech groups and Christian organizations that aim to protect the rights of former gays and lesbians to tell their stories and live freely without harassment from LGBT groups. Some of the latter assert that Christian teaching on marriage and debate surrounding LGBT lifestyles must be treated as criminal offences. Grech’s message is simple: A decade ago, he experienced a conversion to Christ, realized that sexual acts outside of male/female marriage are a “sin,” and freely chose to give up the homosexual life he had been living. If convicted, he faces