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Joseph Smith’s writings aren’t possible submissions to the Canon of scripture since he was a false prophet/teacher:

In the last few months, a number of Latter-day Saints have found out that thier church’s founder, Joseph Smith, was married to more than 30 women, meaning that Emma was not his one and only wife. Many who know about Smith’s philanderous ways may assume that these women must have been widows or “old maids” and their prophet was doing a favor to them by marrying them.  However, the idea that Joseph Smith somehow rescued his plural wives from being single is just not accurate. The fact of the matter is that Smith met the majority of his wives when they were just preteens or teenagers.  In fact, about a quarter of Smith’s eventual wives (nine of them) were 12 or younger when Smith met them, even as young as 5 (Sarah Ann Whitney) or 6 (Nancy Winchester). Over the years, Smith nurtured these relationships until he married them, with the vast majority of these marriages taking place between 1841 to 1843. At least a quarter of his wives were no older than teenagers when Smith (who was in h

The Mormon Bible teaches God manifests himself in different modes

Does the Book of Mormon teach a Trinitarian concept of God? Some have assumed so because certain verses taken separately do seem to use Trinitarian language. However, taken as a whole, the Book of Mormon lends itself more to a modalistic understanding of God rather than Trinitarian. Modalism is an old heresy that attempts to defend monotheism, but does so at the expense of “confounding the persons” within the godhead. Modalists claim that God manifests himself in different  modes . For example, God is revealed as Father in creation, Son in redemption, and Holy Spirit as the giver of grace. Christianity affirms that there is one true and living God while also affirming that this one God exists eternally in three  Persons  — the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Father is not the Son. The Son is not the Holy Spirit, nor is the Holy Spirit the same person as the Father. All possess the same divine nature but they do not represent three separate Gods. There is no evidence to sug