
Showing posts with the label Laban

Laban warned by God in a dream

“God came to Laban the Aramean in a dream by night and said to him, ‘Be careful not to say anything to Jacob, either good or bad’ ” (Gen. 31:24). Laban may have been away when Jacob and his daughters set out for Gilead (Gen. 31:17–21), but their journey does not escape his notice for long. After he becomes aware of his son-in-law’s absence, Laban sets out in hot pursuit and is soon able to get within striking distance of Jacob (vv. 22–23). Given what we know about Jacob’s loss of favor in Laban’s eyes (v. 2), it is obvious Laban wants to execute ungodly wrath on his son-in-law. Our Creator’s visit to him in a dream just before he overtakes Jacob makes this even more plain. At the beginning of the passage, Laban is warned not to say anything to Jacob, that is, he is told to contradict nothing Isaac’s son says to him (v. 24). Without a doubt, this dream provokes Laban to keep his hands off Jacob in the following verses. Once again, God has intervened in history, keeping His promise

Rachel, Leah and Jacob - a mess that is blessed?

“Rachel and Leah answered … ‘All the wealth that God has taken away from our father belongs to us and to our children. Now then, whatever God has said to you, do’ ” (Gen. 31:14–16). We saw yesterday that Jacob was a better man after his years spent with Laban, and today’s passage shows us just how much he has grown. The patriarch has learned from God’s discipline (Deut. 8:5), made evident in the speech he gives in Genesis 31:4–13. Notice how Jacob credits the Lord with his success. In three parallel statements he describes what Laban did and then affirms how God turned his father-in-law’s efforts to harm him into a blessing. Laban’s attitude toward his son-in-law has soured, but the Lord remains with Jacob (v. 5). God preserved Jacob from harm even as Laban deceived him (vv. 6–7). Laban tried to withhold wages from Jacob, but the Creator gave Laban’s wealth to his servant (vv. 8–9). After years relying on his own wits, Jacob is beginning to recognize that everything he has comes o

Jacob a deceiver inherits a promise from God

“Then the LORD said to Jacob, ‘Return to the land of your fathers and to your kindred, and I will be with you’ ” (Gen. 31:3). Jacob may have started out his life as a deceiver, willing to lie and cheat in order to gain the place of promise (Gen. 25:29–34; 27), but he has proven himself to be teachable and emerges from his stay in Paddan-aram a better man (28:2). Humbled by his father-in-law’s trick, an example of talionic (eye-for-an-eye) justice (29:1–30), Jacob has labored long and hard for Laban, who has exploited his son-in-law’s godly desire to provide for his family (30:25–43). Though Laban has done all he could to keep Jacob and his services around indefinitely, God has thwarted him by prospering the patriarch’s efforts. Jacob’s hard work benefited his father-in-law (v. 27), but Laban’s family does not celebrate their wealth. Today’s passage tells us Jacob’s success angers Laban’s sons because it dwarfs their father’s profit (31:1). Laban earlier appreciated the great prosp

Jacob wrestle with God- Do you cling to God?

“ Laban, after all his searches, failed to find his gods, and was baffled in his enquiry by a trick; but our God will not only be found of those who seek him, but they shall find him their bountiful rewarder.” Matthew Henry, from his commentary on Genesis 31:33–35 God’s word to the serpent in Genesis 3:14–15 ensures that the seed of the woman—Christ and His people from all generations—will have final victory over the Devil and his minions even though, because of our sin, there will be setbacks along the way. Jacob’s life proved these words to be true. Despite his sin (27:1–29), the Lord’s grace remained on Jacob, sustaining and disciplining him while in service to Laban (29:1–30:24). No matter how hard he tried, Jacob’s father-in-law, part of the serpent’s seed, was unable to bring his son-in-law to ruin (vv. 25–43). Jacob’s life demonstrates this principle once again in his final confrontation with Laban. Our Father shields and prospers Jacob yet again in chapter 31, because His

Interesting facts about Samuel from the Old Testament

Hannah Giving Her Son Samuel to the Priest (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Samuel is one of the most intriguing Old Testament figures (to me, at least). He’s a star player in the story of David and Saul: the first two God -anointed kings of Israel . We meet him as a baby. We see him as a national leader, intercessor, and even a ghost. Here’s a few interesting biblical facts about Samuel. Samuel is a miracle child. The Bible tells of many significant adults, but only a handful of significant pregnancies. Isaac, Ishmael, Jacob & Esau, Perez, Samson, and Jesus are the others. We meet Samuel’s parents before we meet him. His mother Hannah cannot have children, but God hears her prayers and opens her womb, blessing her with the child Samuel. Samuel’s name means “name of God.” Samuel is from the tribe of Levi. He may have had Ephraimite blood, too ( 1 Ch 6:33–38 , 1 Sa 1:1 ). This qualified him to serve in the temple , but Samuel was much more than a priest (see below). Samuel is t

21 Bible dreams God used

All 21 dreams included: Abimelech ’s warning Jacob ’s ladder Jacob’s call home Laban ’s warning Joseph ’s grain Joseph’s stars The cupbearer ’s grapes The baker’s baskets Pharaoh ’s cows Pharaoh’s ears of grain The runaway barley loaf God ’s offer to Solomon Nebuchanezzar’s statue Nebuchadnezzar ’s tree Daniel’s four beasts Backstory for Joseph The magi’s warning An angel directing Joseph to Egypt An angel telling Joseph to return God telling Joseph to steer clear of Judea Pilate’s wife’s nightmare Related articles Genesis Chapter 20 - Abraham and Sarah Deceive Abimelech ( Genesis Chapter 20 - Abraham and Sarah Deceive Abimelech ( "Dreams and Dreamers ( Dreaming Dreams of the Almighty(2) ( Moses Versus Joseph: A Biblical Lesson in Communication about Climate Change ( Joseph Was Forgotten! (