
Showing posts with the label Last Gospel

Why is Jesus called the Word of God?

Philip the Apostle. The text (in Old Church Slavonic) in the book is: "15 Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God. 16 And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love..." (First Epistle of John). Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos (1774) at Kondopoga. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) "And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God ." ( Revelation  19:13 )   This uniquely expressive name assigned to Christ, as He returns to Earth in glory, is used also by John in his gospel ( John 1:1 , 14) and in his epistle ( 1 John 1:1 ), referring both to His primeval work of creation and also to His human incarnation.  It is well known that "Word" here is the Greek  logos . Six times it is applied by John as a name or title of the Son of God (three times in  John 1:1 ), the second person of the Trinity . Actually, John used it seven times, assu

What is the meaning of logos?

The famous Greek word logos — “word, speech, argument, ratio, etc.” Deutsch: Das berühmte griechische Wort logos — „Wort, Rede, Argument, Berechnung usw.“ (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) In Greek philosophy , the  logos  remains an impersonal force, a lifeless and abstract philosophical concept that is a necessary postulate for the cause of order and purpose in the universe. In Hebrew thought, the  Logos  is personal. He indeed has the power of unity, coherence, and purpose, but the distinctive point is that the biblical  Logos  is a He, not an it. All attempts to translate the word  Logos  have suffered from some degree of inadequacy. No English word is able to capture the fullness of John's  Logos  when he declared that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. Attempts have been made by philosophers to translate Logos  as logic, act, or deed—all of which are inadequate definitions. God 's  Logos  does include action. The  Logos  is the eternal Word in action. But it