
Showing posts with the label Law Moses

Should Christians obey the law of Moses? - RC Sproul

Do we then overthrow the law by this faith? By no means! On the contrary, we uphold the law”  Romans  3:31 The role of the  Mosaic law  in the life of the Christian is one of the most complex issues of biblical interpretation. At one end there are groups who believe that none of the commandments given to Israel is binding in any sense upon the  new covenant  believer. People on the other end of the spectrum teach that even things like the dietary regulations are part and parcel of the  Christian life . Along the continuum between these two poles there are all sorts of mediating positions.  Paul is one of our most important sources for the Christian understanding of the Mosaic law. But getting a handle on his teaching is no easy matter. Statements such as “you are not under law but under grace” ( Rom. 6:14 ), when not read carefully, can imply that the apostle had a wholly negative view of the Law and does not give it a place in the new covenant. In fact, a shallow reading of passages