How is your Spiritual Growth going?

Lack of growth is sad to see in anyone or anything. It is especially tragic in Christians , but unfortunately too many believers don’t seem to be growing very much in their faith. The major cause of their lack of growth is failure to read and study God ’s Word. In 1 Peter 1:23–2:3, the great apostle compares God’s Word to two things that are vital for life and growth: an imperishable seed and the milk of the Word. As Christ taught in His parable of the sower , God’s Word is like a seed that brings about new birth. Just as a seed contains the power and energy of life, so does God’s Word. Before a Christian can get the most from feeding on God’s Word, he or she needs to get rid of the “junk food diet” that is so tasty to the flesh that all believers still have within them. Peter describes this junk food diet as the evils of worldly malice, the guile of deceitfulness, and the phoniness of hypocrisy, the self-centeredness of envy, and the slander of gossip. If we want to change our d...