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Can Jesus’ Exorcisms Be Explained by Psychology?

Matthew 9:32 –34. The Bible makes it clear that demons exist (see Deuteronomy 32:17; 1 Timothy  4:1; James 2:19), and even today we live in a society in which many people believe in angels. They know there are spiritual forces out there, and it’s not too hard to conclude that some might be malevolent. Even Hollywood is very creative with demons, supernatural , witches and so forth. Disney has certainly indoctrinated children with regards to spells, witches and evil.  But what does the Bible say? Has Hollywood overstated their strength and purpose? Where you see God  working, sometimes those forces are more active, and that’s what was probably going on in Jesus ’ time. On this topic psychologist Gary Collins says, “My friends in clinical work have said that sometimes they have seen this, and these are not people who are inclined to see a demon behind every problem. They tend to be skeptical. The psychiatrist M. Scott Peck wrote a bit about this kind of thing in his book Peop

Can Jesus’ Exorcisms Be Explained by Psychology?

Medieval book illustration of Christ Exorcising the Gerasenes demonic (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The Bible makes it clear that demons exist (see  Deuteronomy 32:17 ;  1  Timothy 4:1;  James 2:19 ), and even today we live in a society in which many people believe in angels. They know there are spiritual forces out there, and it’s not too hard to conclude that some might be malevolent. Where you see God working, sometimes those forces are more active, and that’s what was probably going on in Jesus ’ time. On this topic psychologist Gary Collins says, “My friends in clinical work have said that sometimes they have seen this, and these are not people who are inclined to see a demon behind every problem. They tend to be skeptical. The psychiatrist M. Scott Peck wrote a bit about this kind of thing in his book People of the Lie. “People who deny the existence of the supernatural will find some way, no matter how far-fetched, to explain a situation apart from the demonic ,” say

Can Jesus' Exorcisms Be Explained by Psychology?

Jesus and Saint Peter, Gospel of Matthew 4.18-20 Français : Jésus et Saint Pierre, Évangile selon Matthieu 4.18-20 (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Matthew 9:32-34 The Bible makes it clear that demons exist (see Deuteronomy 32:17 ; 1 Timothy 4:1; James 2:19 ), and even today we live in a society in which many people believe in angels. They know there are spiritual forces out there, and it's not too hard to conclude that some might be malevolent. Where you see God working, sometimes those forces are more active, and that's what was probably going on in Jesus' time. On this topic psychologist Gary Collins says, "My friends in clinical work have said that sometimes they have seen this, and these are not people who are inclined to see a demon behind every problem. They tend to be skeptical. The psychiatrist M. Scott Peck wrote a bit about this kind of thing in his book People of the Lie. "People who deny the existence of the supernatural will find some way, no