
Showing posts with the label Machaerus

Why did the disciples of John start following Jesus?

Nicolaes Knüpfer - Christ before Herod Antipas - WGA12216 (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Matthew 11:1 –6 “Go and tell John…the blind receive their sight and the lame walk…the poor have good news preached to them. And blessed is the one who is not offended by me” (vv. 4–6). Among the more persuasive evidences for the authenticity of Scripture is the Bible’s willingness to tell the whole truth about the people it describes even when they look bad. Scripture does not hide the faults of the great heroes of the faith. The authors of the various biblical books could have passed over the occasions on which figures like Moses doubted the Lord (Ex. 4:1–17). Such episodes are included because the apostles and prophets, under the Holy Spirit’s inspiration, knew they had to tell the truth about these people, warts and all. Of all people, we would expect John the Baptist to have the fewest doubts about the person and work of Jesus . After all, he is the Messiah ’s forerunner and has already bapti

Was John the Baptists offended by Jesus?

Herod (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) MATTHEW 11:1–6 “Go and tell John … the blind receive their sight and the lame walk … the poor have good news preached to them. And blessed is the one who is not offended by me” (vv. 4–6). Among the more persuasive evidences for the authenticity of Scripture is the Bible’s willingness to tell the whole truth about the people it describes even when they look bad. Scripture does not hide the faults of the great heroes of the faith. The authors of the various biblical books could have passed over the occasions on which figures like Moses doubted the Lord (Ex. 4:1–17). Such episodes are included because the apostles and prophets, under the Holy Spirit ’s inspiration, knew they had to tell the truth about these people, warts and all. Of all people, we would expect John the Baptist to have the fewest doubts about the person and work of Jesus . After all, he is the Messiah ’s forerunner and has already baptized Him, recognizing Him as the Father’s Anoin

Why did John the Baptist die the way he did?

Salome With the Head of John the Baptist, by Caravaggio, c. 1607 (National Gallery, London). (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Herod Antipas smiled and nodded with approval. His step-daughter Salome * swayed and twirled in front of him and his birthday-party guests, her graceful figure filling them with longing. Her performance done, Herod and the guests applauded. What a dance! Inflamed by his senses and the mood of the moment, Herod cried, "Ask me what you want--up to half my kingdom--and it is yours!" And he swore a great oath to confirm his promise. As a Tetrarch (ruler of one quarter of a Roman province ) Herod was more than able to provide a handsome gift even by first century standards. Would Salome ask for a jeweled necklace? A dowry? A house? Herod and the guests waited to hear her request. The girl herself hesitated. Uncertain what to ask for, she whispered with her mother. Down in the dungeons of Herod's fortress (named Machaerus ) a man's fate was about to