
Showing posts with the label Mantra

The biggest loser

Image via Wikipedia I enjoy watching "The Biggest Loser." On this show, players compete to lose the most weight and win a financial prize at the end of the show. During the past few years, I've seen a mantra recited again and again by players from all walks of life. It sounds something like this: "For the first time in my life, I'm doing something for me." They use this mantra to explain why they've let themselves get so unhealthy. They use it to explain why they're claiming prizes and privileges for themselves that they have the opportunity to share with others. They even use it (with well-timed tears) to justify voting off fellow players. " For the first time in my life, I'm doing something for me." I don't buy it. While there are certainly those among us who are likely to sacrifice often for the benefit of others — and sometimes to the detriment of our own health or well-being — I don't think a biblical analysis of human na