
Showing posts with the label Mark 1

Did Jesus heal with the power of suggestion?

Image via Wikipedia Mark 1:29-34 Doctors note that sometimes people can have a psychologically induced illness , and if they get a new purpose or direction for living, they show relief from the symptoms-they don't need the illness anymore. For some others, the " placebo effect " can have visible results. That is, if you think you're going to get better, you often do get better. And when people came to Jesus , they believed he could heal them, so he did. But the fact remains: Regardless of how he did it, Jesus did heal them. Of course, even if you hold to this explanation for some cases, that doesn't explain all of Jesus' healings. Often a psychosomatic healing takes time; Jesus' healings were instantaneous. Many times people who are healed psychologically have their symptoms return a few days later, but we don't see any evidence of this in the gospel accounts. And Jesus healed conditions like blindness and leprosy, for which a psychosomatic expla

I Am

Image via Wikipedia "And Jesus said, I am: and ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven." ( Mark 14:62 )   After His arrest, "the chief priests and all the council sought for witness against Jesus to put him to death; and found none" ( Mark 14:55 ).  Then they got their sought-after witness from Jesus Himself when the high priest asked Him: "Art thou the Christ , the Son of the Blessed?" ( v. 61 ), and it only took two words from Him. "I Am!"   As a matter of fact, this was not the first time He had thus identified Himself as the self-existent, eternal God . On an earlier occasion in Jerusalem, He had told the Pharisees : "I am the light of the world," and then, "I am from above: . . . I am not of this world. . . . If ye believe not that I am, ye shall die in your sins" ( John 8:12 ,  23-24 ; the "he" in verse 24 is not in the Greek original).   He made