
Showing posts with the label Mars Hill Church

A Call to Resurgence by Mark Driscoll

(Tim Challies) You may love him, you may hate him, but you’ve definitely heard of him and you’ve undoubtedly got an opinion about him. Mark Driscoll is pastor of Mars Hill Church in Seattle , co-founder of the Acts 29 Network , and the author of several bestselling books. The newest of these books may well prove the most controversial.  A Call to Resurgence  poses this question: Will Christianity have a funeral or a future? This is a book about the past, the present and the future of the Christian faith , particularly in the United States of America . The fact is, Christendom is dead. The Christian faith that once existed in the background of American life and culture has diminished to such an extent that America is now a post- Christian nation . “ Christians are ostracized. Gay marriage is celebrated. Abortion is literally destroying an entire generation. The bandwagon has stopped carrying us and has started running over us.” This is happening all around us, yet many Christians

Biblical Forgiveness and Sexual Assault

Author: Tim Challies. I wish this book had not been written, or more properly, I wish there was no need for this book to be written. I wish there was no such monstrosity in the world as sexual assault . Yet the ugly truth is that sexual assault not only exists, but is all too common. The statistics are shocking, alarming. And therefore, because sexual assault exists and because of its prevalence, I am grateful that Justin and Lindsey Holcomb wrote  Rid of My Disgrace .   He is a pastor at Mars Hill Church and adjunct professor of theology at Reformed Theological Seminary while she is a deacon who counsels victims of sexual assault; together they are compassionate and theologically-sound, able to provide hope and healing for those who have been victimized. I do not understand the consequences of sexual assault upon its victims. There were times as a child I came perilously close to being victimized—that school janitor, that older boy. But each time someone or something interve