
Showing posts with the label Maryland

How can I know God’s will?

How can I know God ’s will? (Rom. 12:2) The best way to know God’s will is to be familiar with the Bible. That is because virtually everything you need to know concerning the will of God is in the Bible. If you get to know God’s Word and understand it clearly, you can know the will of God (Ps. 119:6, 7, 9, 105). Another way you can know the will of God is through prayer, when you commune with God and learn what pleases Him. The Bible says, "Let the peace of God rule in your hearts" (Col. 3:15). This means that the peace of God is like a regulator, so that when you violate the will of God, His peace leaves you and you have inner turmoil, immediately discovering you are going against God’s will. Knowing God’s Word and knowing the peace that comes about through a continuous relationship with Him are the best ways of knowing God’s will (John 15:4). It is also true, however, that God will show us His will through a number of other means. He will show us His will through

Oppose Gay marriage and you're called a coward!

Image via Wikipedia She Called You a "Coward"! This is the week the gay-marriage movement is trying to break you and me. Pushing forward full-bore in Washington, Maryland , New Jersey , New Hampshire —NOM has never had a week where we've sent out so many action alerts to so many people. This is the week we take up the gauntlet laid down by the First Lady of Maryland, who had the nerve to tell a gay rights group that those who oppose gay marriage are "cowards." (The governor had to go on an apology tour for that remark). Even as they threaten the jobs, the businesses, and the livelihoods of people willing to stand for the great truths of Genesis—even as they bask in the accolades of Hollywood and a complacent media—even as they wallow in the silver coins flung into their campaign chests by billionaire gay-marriage backers—they call you and me "cowards"? Here's how the people of Maryland responded , at a rally you'll never see on Fox News or AB

Victoria sad abortion numbers

According to the most recent figures released in the annual report of the Australian Consultative Council on Obstetric and Paediatric Mortality and Morbidity , 345 late-term abortions were committed in Victoria State in 2007. Of these, the report states that 164 were performed at a Melbourne clinic on women with perfectly healthy unborn children who said they were suffering psychological or “social” problems. Though most of the abortions were carried out on women about six months pregnant, two of the aborted children were older than 28 weeks. A further 181 late-term abortions were committed on babies diagnosed with genetic abnormalities. Fifty-four of these babies survived the procedure to die post-natally, according to the figures released in the state government report. In Victoria, late-term abortions can be carried out for "psycho-social" reasons even if there is no declaration of a threat to the mother's health. The report says that many of the women given lat