
Showing posts with the label Matthew 5:1–2

Crucify your morality and tell the real gospel

No one could possibly claim that the Beatitudes (see Matthew 5:1 -12) are overlooked or underappreciated. They have been the subject of countless books and sermon series. But this is not to say that the Beatitudes have been widely understood and properly taught. As often as not they have suffered from moralization , reduced to the level of the fortune cookie and with all the spiritual power of a fortune cookie. In Crucifying Morality, R.W. Glenn takes a new look at the Beatitudes saying, Maybe you “were taught that the Beatitudes were the highest form of morality that anyone could live by, and you know now how impossible they are. Or maybe you experienced the flannelgraph version of the Beatitudes.” If that is the case, “maybe it is time to get unfamiliar. Maybe you need to read these verses with fresh eyes for the first time. Whatever your exposure to the Beatitudes has been, you probably think of them as less powerful and captivating and helpful than they are. Take a step back

Humility Blessings

Image via Wikipedia Image via Wikipedia Image via Wikipedia Image via Wikipedia Image via Wikipedia Image via Wikipedia Image via Wikipedia The two Christian character traits taught most frequently in the New Testament are love and humility. The classic passage on love is, of course,  1 Corinthians 13 . The classic passage on humility, though it never uses the word, is  Matthew 5:2-12 , popularly known as the Beatitudes . And just as 1 Corinthians describes love, so the Beatitudes describe humility. Jesus began His teaching with, " Blessed are the poor in spirit " ( Matt. 5:3  ). The poor in spirit are those who have become convinced of their spiritual poverty. They see their continued sinfulness even as believers. In contrast to the self-righteous Pharisee who prayed, " God , I thank you that I am not like other men," they identify with the tax collector who cried out, "God, be merciful to me, a sinner!" ( Luke 18:9-13 ). This is where humility begin

Poor in Spirit

Image via Wikipedia Matthew 5:1-3   Elsewhere, Jesus speaks these same words to the poor ( Luke 6:20  ), because those who have nothing are often able to see their need for salvation most clearly.  Still, one does not need to lack possessions to see the kingdom of God. John Calvin writes that "he only who is reduced to nothing in himself, and relies on the mercy of God , is poor in spirit ." Rich or poor, if we fail to see our need for salvation, we will fail to enter the kingdom.  For further study:  Psalms 34 ;  68:20 Related articles Poor in spirit; great in reward ( The Beatitudes Part One ( The Beatitudes of Jesus (#1) ( The Actions God Hates. ( Back to the Mountain ( Blessed: One Thousand Gifts #229-240 ( Seeking the Kingdom of God ( Matthew 5:1-26 ( Why